Performance Audio Solutions: Texas High School.
Recently, I got the privilege to work with the guys at Texas High School. On a day of in-school testing, I came in, set up their system, diagnosed it, and walked through with the staff what I was doing.
Over the course of a day and a half we:
Got some sub material going through the system, and balanced that with the mains.
Used sine sweeps to calibrate and test the system.
Set up filters and EQs on instrument channels.
Discussed and demonstrated compression, gating, and different types of reverbs and effects.
Built scenes on the mixer.
Set proper levels for mic'ed keyboards.
Hung and listened to keyboard microphones.
Discussed different mic'ing techniques and the differences between mics.
Went through the system signal flow from the top down, explaining each piece of equipment in the chain.
Set up mainstage, midi mapping, and the process of designing sound.
Using sound libraries, we discussed and built patches for the upcoming fall program.
These are a few examples of what a day looks like with Performance Audio Solutions. Contact us and explore what we can do for you.